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System Integrators

All For Analytics
All For Analytics es una firma especializada en diseñar e implementar soluciones integrales de analítica de datos.
Combinando un equipo de profesionales altamente experimentados y tecnologías lideres a nivel mundial como: Talend + Tableau + H2O + Theobald + Snowflake + AWS, apoyamos a nuestros clientes a resolver los desafíos relacionados con las etapas de integración de datos (incluidos datos SAP), bodega de datos, analítica descriptiva, analítica predictiva e incluso, infraestructura de computación en la nube temporal o permanente.
Nuestro objetivo principal es apoyar a nuestros clientes a cumplir los objetivos de negocio, actuando siempre como un aliado estratégico. Para mas información, por favor visite https://www.all4analytics.comAll For Analytics is a company focused on designing and implementing comprehensive data analytics solutions.
All For Analytics is a company focused on designing and implementing comprehensive data analytics solutions.
Combining a team of highly skilled professionals and world-leading technologies such as: Talend + Tableau + H2O + Theobald + Snowflake + AWS, we support our clients with the challenges related to the stages of data integration (including SAP data), Data Warehouse, descriptive analytics, predictive analytics, and even temporary or permanent world-class cloud computing infrastructure. For more information, please visit: https://www.all4analytics.com
B&B Analitica
Una empresa con gran experiencia, que se crea a partir de la necesidad de diversas organizaciones de tener acceso y orientación a una estrategia integral de uso y explotación de los datos, sin importar el volumen o las tecnologías, pero teniendo como principal guía un sólido caso de negocio que proporcione los beneficios esperados Nos enfocamos en soluciones de negocio, con un sólido retorno de inversión Oferta: - Servicios de consultoría - Gobierno de datos - Desarrollo aplicaciones
A company with great experience, created from the need of various organizations to have access and guidance to a comprehensive strategy for the use and exploitation of data, regardless of volume or technologies, but having as its main guide a strong business case that delivers the expected benefits We focus on business solutions, with a solid return on investment through - Consulting services - Data governance - Application development
Columbia Integração
Nestes quase 40 anos, a Columbia Integração vem sendo responsável pela infraestrutura e crescimento tecnológico, desde soluções de armazenamento, com o cuidado para uma correta hierarquização, o processamento e a proteção de dados que geram insights a partir de inteligência de analytics. Nossas soluções preparam nossos clientes para que possam desenvolver cada vez mais as capacidades de transformação e crescimento digital de seus negócios. Estamos sempre inovando e se renovando, pois sabemos melhor do que ninguém que a tecnologia evolui a cada segundo. A Columbia Integração tem uma equipe de profissionais especializados e uma linha completa de produtos dos principais fabricantes do mercado.
Conjecto is a Brazil-based data science company whose mission is to drive intelligent, automated business processes and smart decisions via insights obtained from advanced data modeling, visualization, and artificial intelligence technologies. To help its customers answer their most challenging questions in a diverse range of business areas including retail, financial services and manufacturing, Conjecto offers them state-of-the-art data science products and solutions based on first-class enterprise intelligence platforms. Our solutions have been successfully used by our customers to guarantee scalability, efficiency, and competitiveness to their operations, bigger scope and amplitude of their products and services portfolio in order to reach out to new business opportunities, and continuous learning from their corporate business processes as well as internal and external data to the organization.
A Conjecto é uma empresa brasileira de ciência de dados cuja missão é transformar processos e decisões de negócios por meio de automação, dados, e inteligência. As soluções que compõem seu portfólio de produtos e serviços são implementadas via métodos e tecnologia de preparação, modelagem, e visualização de dados, além da aplicação eficiente e disruptiva de plataformas de inteligência artificial. Nesse sentido, para ajudar seus clientes a responder suas perguntas mais desafiadoras e a realizar seus objetivos mais ambiciosos, a Conjecto oferece ao mercado os melhores produtos e ferramentas de inteligência empresarial que representam o estado-da-arte na automação de processos e tomada de decisão em todos os níveis da organização. As contribuições mais relevantes para seus clientes incluem (1) garantir escala, eficiência, e competitividade em suas operações, (2) maior amplitude para oportunidades de negócio, e (3) constante aprendizado a partir de dados internos e externos à organização.
Danta Analytics
Danta Analytics is a company with a team of professionals with experience in Data Science and Business Intelligence in the Americas. We help companies drive their decision making throughout innovating and automated solutions. We empower companies to mature in their Analytics path with training, consulting and the best tools.
A kie.tec trabalha para atender às necessidades estratégicas das organizações. Juntos, estamos comprometidos a ajudar você a explorar todo o seu potencial, viver momentos de descoberta e despertar sua paixão pelos dados.
Somos Parceiros Revendedores da UiPath, Alteryx, H2O.ai, Tableau e provedores de serviços de tecnologia, realizamos consultoria, treinamento e implementação. Ajudamos você a utilizar a solução dimensionada a sua necessidade aproveitando ao máximo seus investimentos. Desenvolvemos soluções personalizadas orientando a melhor forma de extrair valor dos seus dados.
With more than 15 years of experience Devsys guides companies in their transformation journey to become Digital and Artificial Intelligence organizations. Devsys offers consulting and implementation services for Award-winning solutions which includes H2O Driverless AI, ERPs, ETL, RPAs, BOTs and Business Intelligence. We share the vision to one day have AI available for everyone, enabled everywhere and in all devices.
Founded in 1984 and with a recognized background in the Latin American market, MAINT S.A. is a leader in systems integration which provides global solutions in state-of-the-art information technologies, computing and telecommunications. During the last years, the company has focused on consultancy services related to guide customers on their path conversion to digital transformation and data-driven perspectives, with special focus in data governance, big data, data quality, and advanced analytics.
What is QSOFT? We are a consultancy focused on business intelligence, for over 19 years helping companies the main pillares: Data Engineer - best practices for data ingestion, Data Analysis - Knowledge of data visualization Science, Data Science - Helping companies in the digital transformation. Our commitment is to transform information into knowledge and support companies to become data-driven.
Novakorp es una organización que busca brindar soluciones innovadoras, basadas en datos, mediante el trabajo de una comunidad de talentos altamente capacitada. Durante el proceso del desarrollo de nuestra solución acompañamos al cliente en la definición de su estrategia de datos y ajustamos nuestra oferta a sus necesidades. También brindamos las herramientas necesarias para iniciar un proceso de transformación digital, comenzando por un diagnóstico, sobre el nivel de madurez de la organización en términos de explotación de datos, y finalizando con la implementación de casos de uso.
Novakorp is an organization that aims to provide innovative, data-driven solutions through the work of a highly trained community of talents. Along with the development of the solution, we guide our clients in the definition of their data strategy and adjust our offer to their needs. We also provide the necessary tools to initiate a digital transformation process, starting with a diagnosis of the organization's maturity level in terms of data exploitation, and ending with the implementation of use cases.
A NTT Ltd. é uma empresa global líder em serviços de tecnologia. Trabalhando com organizações em todo o mundo, alcançamos resultados de negócios por meio de soluções de tecnologia inteligentes. Para nós, inteligente significa ser orientado por dados, conectado, digital e seguro. Nossos ativos globais e recursos integrados fornecem ofertas exclusivas em rede habilitada para nuvem, nuvem híbrida, data centers, transformação digital, experiência do cliente, local de trabalho e segurança cibernética. Como provedor global de TIC, empregamos mais de 40.000 pessoas em um ambiente de trabalho diversificado e dinâmico que abrange 57 países, comercializando em 73 países e prestando serviços em mais de 200 países e regiões. Juntos, possibilitamos o futuro conectado. Visite-nos em hello.global.ntt.
NTT Ltd. es una empresa líder mundial en servicios de tecnología. Al trabajar con organizaciones de todo el mundo, logramos resultados comerciales a través de soluciones de tecnología inteligente. Para nosotros, inteligente significa impulsado por datos, conectado, digital y seguro.Nuestros activos globales y capacidades integradas de pila de TIC brindan ofertas únicas en redes que habilitan la nube, nube híbrida, centros de datos, transformación digital, experiencia del cliente, espacios de trabajo y ciberseguridad. Como proveedor global de TIC, empleamos a más de 40.000 personas en un lugar de trabajo diverso y dinámico que abarca 57 países, comerciando en 73 países y brindando servicios en más de 200 países y regiones. Juntos habilitamos un futuro conectado. Visítanos en hello.global.ntt
NTT Ltd. is a leading global technology services company. We partner with organizations around the world to shape and achieve outcomes through intelligent technology solutions. For us, intelligent means data-driven, connected, digital and secure. As a global ICT provider, we employ more than 40,000 people in a diverse and dynamic workplace that spans 57 countries, trading in 73 countries and delivering services in over 200 countries and regions. Together we enable the connected future. Visit us at hello.global.ntt
Nubatech is a consulting and IT solutions company with a focus on Digital Transformation and virtual channels. Based in Chile, Nubatech is helping organizations in several countries in Latin America to improve their virtual relationship with customers, prevent fraud and protect the user’s data.
Pegasus Knowledge Solutions
Founded in 1997, Pegasus Knowledge Solutions, Inc. (PKSI) is a Chicago based, Advanced Analytics and AI software, solutions and services firm. As a H20.ai partner, with partnerships across the AI ecosystem, PKSI delivers AI results, enabling customers to stay ahead of their competitors. PKSI’s global delivery is ISO 9001-2008 and ISMS 27001-2013 Certified.
Considerada uma das maiores empresas de soluções de Tecnologia do Brasil e eleita uma das 100 mais inovadoras do país, sendo a empresa de TI mais bem colocada entre as listadas, a Qintess oferece soluções de consultoria estratégica orientada a dados por meio da QADS - Qintess Analytics & Decision Science. Com um time técnico altamente capacitado e parceiros líderes, a QADS é uma plataforma independente com foco na entrega de soluções data-driven e inteligência artificial, que combina métodos ágeis e design para revelar padrões e tendências ocultas e obter insights significativos, úteis e relevantes para tomada de decisões estratégicas.
Semantix is a reference when it comes to Big Data, Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, developing innovative and disruptive solutions, besides Big Data platforms in the “one-stop-shop” model, allowing the implementation of complex data environments in a few minutes. From a multicloud infrastructure to advanced business performance and data governance solutions for all industries. Our products and services are transforming our customers’ routines with process optimization, higher profitability and high level insights for more assertive and data-driven decision making. Founded in 2010 in Brazil, and now present all over the American continent, Semantix develops data-driven solutions so that our customers will always be one step ahead using the most cutting-edge technology. *** A Semantix é referência em Big Data, Analytics e Inteligência Artificial, desenvolvendo soluções inovadoras e disruptivas, além de plataformas Big Data no modelo One-Stop-Shop, o que possibilita a implementação em minutos de ambientes completos, desde uma infraestrutura Multicloud até soluções avançadas de Business Performance e Governança de Dados para todas as áreas de negócios. Nossos produtos e serviços estão transformando a rotina das empresas com a otimização dos processos, maior rentabilidade e insights de alto nível para tomada de decisões mais assertivas e baseadas em dados. Fundada em 2010 no Brasil, e hoje presente em toda a América, a Semantix desenvolve soluções no modelo Data Driven, para as organizações que precisam estar um passo à frente utilizando o que existe de mais atual em tecnologia.
Summan S.A.S.
Summan S.A.S. connect data to people. Summan S.A.S. is data company based in Colombia, covering LATAM based on data and analytics solutions. With 30 years of experience and +70 professionals, we help companies to make informed decisions. Summan S.A.S. partner with H2O.ai to connect data to people and help make companies into AI companies.
Tech Mahindra
Tech Mahindra, a digital transformation, consulting and re-engineering specialist will establish a Center of Excellence with H2O.ai to provide Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning solutions to enterprise customers. The partnership will combine H2O.ai’s enterprise-scale automatic machine learning platform, H2O Driverless AI, with Tech Mahindra’s domain expertise across multiple industries and verticals, in order to bring next generation AI and machine learning solutions to enterprise customers around the world.
Ancud IT
Ancud IT stands for innovation, quality and customer centricity. For 18 years, we have been supporting our customers in their digital transformation in the areas of data science, digital collaboration, enterprise platforms and IoT. In the mean time, a team of more than 60 employees from 8 nations is available around the clock to our now more than 500 customers. In order to ensure the greatest possible success for our customers, we not only advise, but also develop individual solutions and integrate them into the existing IT landscape. Together with our customers, we want to embark on a path to a successful and sustainable future. Our tools for this are state of the art technologies from our partner network, a maximum of competence from numerous customer and research projects and a team that stands up for you in every situation.
greenhouse intelligence
Greenhouse intelligence is a boutique UK consultancy that overcomes the challenges of implementing artificial intelligence by delivering value-led AI. Rather than just focusing on building ‘cool AI apps’, we educate the business about AI, and create an AI strategy that aligns the technology directly with your business objectives and challenges. We ensure that the AI can be embedded into the day-to-day operations of the business, working with the best data scientists, developers, and vendors to realize value from AI over the long term. We make AI boring by making it work for your business, doing real stuff that will make a real difference.
StarLink is acclaimed as the fastest growing “True” Value-added Distributor” across the Middle East, Turkey and Africa regions with on-the-ground presence in 20 countries including UK and USA. With its innovate Security Framework, StarLink is recognized as a "Trusted Cyber and Cloud Advisor” to over 3500 plus enterprise and government customers that use one or more of StarLink’s best-of-breed and market-leading technologies, sold through its Channel network of over 1500 Partners. The StarLink Solution Lifecycle helps Channel Partners differentiate offerings, and assists customers to identify key risks and define priorities for addressing their IT Security gaps and enhance their Data Center and Cloud infrastructure. For more information about StarLink, please visit www.starlinkme.net
A Keyrus é uma consultoria internacional especialista em Inteligência de Dados e Transformação Digital. A Keyrus se dedica a ajudar as empresas a melhorarem suas performances por meio de direcionadores de crescimento e competitividade, e propostas de valor inovadoras, centradas em ofertas baseadas em três áreas principais de especialização:
- Data Intelligence: Data Science – Artificial Intelligence – BigData & Cloud Analytics – Business Intelligence – EIM – CPM/EPM
- Digital Experience: Innovation & Digital Strategy – Digital Marketing – DMP & CRM – Digital Commerce – Digital – Performance – User Experience
- Management & Transformation Consulting: Strategy & Innovation – Digital Transformation – Performance Management – Project Support.
Fundada em 1996 por Eric Cohen, atual CEO da empresa, a Keyrus conta com mais de 3 mil colaboradores e está presente em 19 países, em quatro continentes. A empresa iniciou suas atividades na América Latina em 1998 e hoje conta com cerca de 700 colaboradores. Para saber mais, acesse www.keyrus.com.br
Español: Especialista en Data Intelligence, Digital Strategy y Management Consulting, Keyrus se dedica a ayudar a empresas a tomar ventaja del paradigma de los datos y los contenidos digitales para mejorar su rendimiento, facilitar y acelerar su transformación y generar nuevos motores de crecimiento y competitividad.
Al situar la innovación en el centro de su estrategia, Keyrus desarrolla una propuesta de valor que es única en el mercado y que gira en torno a una oferta innovadora fundada en sus tres áreas de experiencia:
- Data Intelligence: Data Science – Artificial Intelligence – Big Data & Cloud Analytics – Business Intelligence – EIM – CPM/EPM
- Digital Experience: Innovation & Digital Strategy – Digital Marketing – DMP & CRM – Digital Commerce – Digital – Performance – User Experience
- Management & Transformation: Strategy & Innovation – Digital Transformation – Performance Management – Project Support.
Fundada en 1996 por Eric Cohen, el actual Director Ejecutivo, Keyrus cuenta con más de 3.000 empleados y presencia en 19 países en cuatro continentes. La empresa inició sus actividades en América Latina en 1998 y hoy cuenta con alrededor de 700 empleados en esta región. Para obtener más información, visite www.keyrus.com/co/.
English: Keyrus is an international consultancy specializing in Data Intelligence and Digital Transformation. Keyrus is dedicated to helping companies improve their performance through drivers of growth and competitiveness, and innovative value proposals, centered on offerings based on three main areas of specialization:
- Data Intelligence: Data Science - Artificial Intelligence - BigData & Cloud Analytics - Business Intelligence - EIM - CPM / EPM
- Digital Experience: Innovation & Digital Strategy - Digital Marketing - DMP & CRM - Digital Commerce - Digital - Performance - User Experience
- Management & Transformation Consulting: Strategy & Innovation - Digital Transformation - Performance Management - Project Support.
Founded in 1996 by Eric Cohen, the company's current CEO, Keyrus has more than 3,000 employees and is present in 19 countries, on four continents. The company started its activities in Latin America in 1998 and today has around 700 employees. To learn more, visit www.keyrus.com.
The beginnings of LANCom date back to 1989, when they started setting up smaller networks with a vision of a system house. Today they are a provider of comprehensive system and information solutions, and developers of their own software for the Slovenian and foreign markets. They supplement the offer of IT solutions and services with their own examination center and the organization of professional meetings and consultations for business partners and the interested public. Their guideline is to understand the needs of users and to hire the best staff.
Tata Consultancy Services is an IT services, consulting and business solutions organization that has been partnering with many of the world’s largest businesses in their transformation journeys for the last fifty years. TCS offers a consulting-led, cognitive powered, integrated portfolio of business, technology and engineering services and solutions. This is delivered through its unique Location Independent Agile delivery model, recognized as a benchmark of excellence in software development.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the leader in cloud computing infrastructure offering a wide variety of cloud services. H2O.ai and AWS have partnered to enable customers to quickly launch H2O Driverless AI on AWS in just a few clicks with an AMI on the Amazon Marketplace. H2O Sparkling Water is also integrated with EMR to enable H2O workloads to run using Spark on AWS.
Learn More About Our Partnership With AWS
Cirrascale® Cloud Services
Cirrascale Cloud Services, a premier provider of multi-GPU deep learning cloud solutions and H2O.ai are working together to provide H2O Driverless AI, the automatic machine learning platform, on the IBM Power Systems AC922 server on Cirrascale Cloud Services’ deep learning and HPC cloud platform. Test drive H2O Driverless AI for a week with a free trial of multi-GPU cloud services on IBM Power 9 servers to test drive H2O Driverless AI.
Google Cloud Platform
Google is a leader in technology across industries segments from advertising and mobile devices to cloud computing. H2O.ai has partnered with Google Cloud to integrate the company's full suite of products, including open source platform, H2O-3, and the automated machine learning platform, H2O Driverless AI, with Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
Learn More About Our Partnership With Google Cloud Platform
Microsoft is the worldwide leader in software, services, devices and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential. H2O.ai and Microsoft have partnered to deliver H2O Driverless AI on the Azure Marketplace and to provide integration between H2O Sparkling Water on Azure HDInsights to allow customers to build data science pipelines with just a few clicks on the cloud.
Learn More About Our Partnership With Microsoft
Nimbix is the leading provider of purpose-built cloud computing for machine learning, AI and HPC applications. Powered by JARVICE™, the Nimbix Cloud provides high-performance software as a service, dramatically speeding up data processing for Energy, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media and Analytics applications.
Expand your Data Science Automation from Data Prep to AutoML with H2O.ai and KNIME
Learn More About Our Partnership With KNIME
IBM and H2O.ai Announce Strategic Partnership to Drive AI Adoption in the Enterprise. With H2O Driverless AI running on IBM Power 9 with built-in GPUs, data science teams can accelerate their use of AI to meet the growing business needs for AI-driven products and services, essentially delivering an experienced “data scientist in a box.
Learn More About Our Partnership With IBM
NVIDIA's (NASDAQ: NVDA) invention of the GPU in 1999 sparked the growth of the PC gaming market, redefined modern computer graphics, and revolutionized parallel computing. More recently, GPU deep learning ignited modern AI -- the next era of computing -- with the GPU acting as the brain of computers, robots, and self-driving cars that can perceive and understand the world.
Learn More About Our Partnership With NVIDIA
Snowflake’s mission is to enable every organization to be data-driven. H2O.ai and Snowflake Computing partner to bring AI to the data warehouse built for the cloud.
Learn More About Our Partnership With Snowflake
UiPath is leading the “automation first” era – championing a robot for every person and enabling robots to learn new skills through AI and machine learning. Through free and open training, UiPath is led by a commitment to bring digital era skills to millions of people around the world, thereby improving business productivity and efficiency, employee engagement and customer experience.
Path was founded in 1999, with office in Rio de Janeiro. Notwithstanding, the team has been asked to give consultancy all over the national territory. Path has been considered an atypical service provider, due to the personal treatment offered, focusing on the particularity of each organization. This is easy to understand considering that the professional who sells the product and knows the client's expectations is the same who puts into practice the agreed strategic actions, using her / his experience and competence and guaranteeing the accomplishment of the commitments previously fixed. Focused on data governance, big data, data preparation, machine learning, and business dashboards.
Ancud IT
Ancud IT stands for innovation, quality and customer centricity. For 18 years, we have been supporting our customers in their digital transformation in the areas of data science, digital collaboration, enterprise platforms and IoT. In the mean time, a team of more than 60 employees from 8 nations is available around the clock to our now more than 500 customers. In order to ensure the greatest possible success for our customers, we not only advise, but also develop individual solutions and integrate them into the existing IT landscape. Together with our customers, we want to embark on a path to a successful and sustainable future. Our tools for this are state of the art technologies from our partner network, a maximum of competence from numerous customer and research projects and a team that stands up for you in every situation.
greenhouse intelligence
Greenhouse intelligence is a boutique UK consultancy that overcomes the challenges of implementing artificial intelligence by delivering value-led AI. Rather than just focusing on building ‘cool AI apps’, we educate the business about AI, and create an AI strategy that aligns the technology directly with your business objectives and challenges. We ensure that the AI can be embedded into the day-to-day operations of the business, working with the best data scientists, developers, and vendors to realize value from AI over the long term. We make AI boring by making it work for your business, doing real stuff that will make a real difference.
The beginnings of LANCom date back to 1989, when they started setting up smaller networks with a vision of a system house. Today they are a provider of comprehensive system and information solutions, and developers of their own software for the Slovenian and foreign markets. They supplement the offer of IT solutions and services with their own examination center and the organization of professional meetings and consultations for business partners and the interested public. Their guideline is to understand the needs of users and to hire the best staff.
Tata Consultancy Services is an IT services, consulting and business solutions organization that has been partnering with many of the world’s largest businesses in their transformation journeys for the last fifty years. TCS offers a consulting-led, cognitive powered, integrated portfolio of business, technology and engineering services and solutions. This is delivered through its unique Location Independent Agile delivery model, recognized as a benchmark of excellence in software development.
Tech Mahindra
Tech Mahindra, a digital transformation, consulting and re-engineering specialist will establish a Center of Excellence with H2O.ai to provide Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning solutions to enterprise customers. The partnership will combine H2O.ai’s enterprise-scale automatic machine learning platform, H2O Driverless AI, with Tech Mahindra’s domain expertise across multiple industries and verticals, in order to bring next generation AI and machine learning solutions to enterprise customers around the world.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the leader in cloud computing infrastructure offering a wide variety of cloud services. H2O.ai and AWS have partnered to enable customers to quickly launch H2O Driverless AI on AWS in just a few clicks with an AMI on the Amazon Marketplace. H2O Sparkling Water is also integrated with EMR to enable H2O workloads to run using Spark on AWS.
Learn More About Our Partnership With AWS
Cirrascale® Cloud Services
Cirrascale Cloud Services, a premier provider of multi-GPU deep learning cloud solutions and H2O.ai are working together to provide H2O Driverless AI, the automatic machine learning platform, on the IBM Power Systems AC922 server on Cirrascale Cloud Services’ deep learning and HPC cloud platform. Test drive H2O Driverless AI for a week with a free trial of multi-GPU cloud services on IBM Power 9 servers to test drive H2O Driverless AI.
Google Cloud Platform
Google is a leader in technology across industries segments from advertising and mobile devices to cloud computing. H2O.ai has partnered with Google Cloud to integrate the company's full suite of products, including open source platform, H2O-3, and the automated machine learning platform, H2O Driverless AI, with Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
Learn More About Our Partnership With Google Cloud Platform
Microsoft is the worldwide leader in software, services, devices and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential. H2O.ai and Microsoft have partnered to deliver H2O Driverless AI on the Azure Marketplace and to provide integration between H2O Sparkling Water on Azure HDInsights to allow customers to build data science pipelines with just a few clicks on the cloud.
Learn More About Our Partnership With Microsoft
Nimbix is the leading provider of purpose-built cloud computing for machine learning, AI and HPC applications. Powered by JARVICE™, the Nimbix Cloud provides high-performance software as a service, dramatically speeding up data processing for Energy, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media and Analytics applications.