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Sparkling Water Tutorials Updated


By Team | minute read | July 01, 2015

Category: Uncategorized
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This is updated version of Sparkling Water tutorials originally published by Amy Wang here
For the newest examples, and updates, please visit Sparkling Water GitHub page

The blog post introduces 3 tutorials:

Note: If you are interested in running _Sparkling Water_ on the top of YARN, please, visit Tom’s blog post


Tutorial #1 – Running Sparkling Water Locally

In the first tutorial, we show running a Sparkling Water  example on an embedded Spark cluster composed of three worker nodes.
The provided example performs the following actions:

  • Start up a Spark Cluster
  • Launch H2O in conjunction to the Spark Cluster
  • Import and parse an airlines dataset
  • Filter and munge using Spark to create a subset of the origin data
  • Build a model using H2O
  • Predict using the model built in H2O


Step 1 – Prerequisites 

  • Linux or Mac OS
  • Oracle’s Java 1.7
  • Spark version will depend on your Sparkling Water Installation. Currently supported versions are Spark 1.2 and Spark 1.3 Please check the Sparkling Water download page for most recent supported versions

Step 2 – Download the Sparkling Water distribution zip file 
Step 3 – Unzip the downloaded file, export SPARK_HOME variable to point to your Spark 1.3.1 installation 

$ unzip
$ export SPARK_HOME='/path/to/spark1.3.1/installation'
$ cd sparkling-water-1.3.6

Point Spark MASTER variable to a Spark cluster – in this case local 3-nodes cluster

$ export MASTER=”local-cluster[3,2,1024]” # Point Spark MASTER variable to a Spark cluster – in this case local 3-nodes cluster

Step 4 – Run the example 
To run default example, building model predicting flight delays, please invoke:
$ bin/

Note: If your machine detects multiple home addresses that H2O can launch on look for the IP address that H2O actually launches on
which can be found under _”Attempting to determine correct address”_. Cancel the operation and set Spark’s local IP address to where
H2O was launching on and execute the example script again.

$ export SPARK_LOCAL_IP=’′
$ bin/


Tutorial #2 – Running Sparkling Water on Standalone Spark Cluster

Much like running Sparkling Water  locally on embedded Spark cluster, we’ll start up a standalone Spark cluster composed of three workers and master nodes. The Sparkling Water  example will be deployed and executed on this cluster.


Step 1 – Prerequisites 

  • Linux or Mac OS
  • Oracle’s Java 1.7
  • Spark version will depend on your Sparkling Water Installation. Currently supported versions are Spark 1.2 and Spark 1.3 Please check the Sparkling Water download page for most recent supported versions
Step 2 – Download the Sparkling Water distribution zip file 
Step 3 – Unzip the file and configure SPARK_HOME variable 

$ unzip
$ cd sparkling-water-1.3.6
$ export SPARK_HOME='/path/to/spark1.3.1/installation'

Step 4 – Launch the standalone Spark cluster and export its location 

$ bin/
$ export MASTER="spark://localhost:7077"


Note: You can access the Spark Cluster at `http://localhost:8080` and H2O on `http://localhost:54321`.

Step 5 – Run the example script 

$ bin/


Tutorial #3 – Running H2O Commands from Spark’s Shell

For those adventurous enough to play with the source code, there is workflow available that will give the user more flexibility so that different datasets can be used and different algorithms can be tried.
In this tutorial we will use standalone Spark cluster and launch Sparkling Shell  on the top of it.

Note: To use embedded Spark cluster for this example, please, export its configuration via `MASTER` environment variable, e.g.:

export MASTER="local-cluster[3,2,1024]"


Step 1 – Prerequisites 

  • Linux or Mac OS
  • Oracle’s Java 1.7
  • Spark version will depend on your Sparkling Water Installation. Currently supported versions are Spark 1.2 and Spark 1.3 Please check the Sparkling Water download page for most recent supported versions
Step 2 – Download the Sparkling Water distribution zip file 
Step 3 – Unzip the file and launch a Spark Cluster (UI can be accessed at localhost:8080) 

$ unzip
$ cd sparkling-water-1.3.6
$ export SPARK_HOME='/path/to/spark1.3.1/installation'
$ bin/ # Build a simple standalone Spark cluster
$ export MASTER="spark://localhost:7077" # Points to cluster location


Note: If your machine detects multiple home addresses that H2O can launch on look for the IP address that H2O actually launches on
which can be found under “Attempting to determine correct address”. Set Spark’s Local IP address to where
H2O was launching on, for example:

$ export SPARK_LOCAL_IP=''
Step 4 – Start the Spark Shell 

$ bin/sparkling-shell

Step 5 – Create H2O context based on existing Spark context and launch H2O (UI can be accessed at localhost:54321) 

import org.apache.spark.h2o._
import org.apache.spark.examples.h2o._
val h2oContext = new H2OContext(sc).start()
import h2oContext._

Step 6 – Import data 

val dataFile = "examples/smalldata/allyears2k_headers.csv.gz"
val airlinesData = new H2OFrame(new File(dataFile))

Step 7 – Move Data from Spark to H2O RDD (new RDD type in Spark) and count the number of flights in the airlines data 

val airlinesTable : RDD[Airlines] = asRDDAirlines

Step 8 – Do the same count int Spark 

val flightsOnlyToSFO = airlinesTable.filter( _.Dest == Some("SFO") )

Step 9 – Run a SQL query that will only return flights flying to SFO 

import sqlContext.implicits._ // Import implicit conversions from provided SQLContext
val query = "SELECT * FROM airlinesTable WHERE Dest LIKE 'SFO'"
val result = sqlContext.sql(query) // Using a registered context and tables
// Make sure that results are correct (should return true)
result.count == flightsOnlyToSFO.count

Step 10 – Use result of SQL query to train a simple DeepLearning model predicting if a flight departure is delayed 


import hex.deeplearning.
import hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel.DeepLearningParameters
val dlParams = new DeepLearningParameters()
dlParams._train = result( ‘Year, ‘Month, ‘DayofMonth, ‘DayOfWeek, ‘CRSDepTime, ‘CRSArrTime,’UniqueCarrier, ‘FlightNum, ‘TailNum, ‘CRSElapsedTime, ‘Origin, ‘Dest,’Distance, ‘IsDepDelayed)
dlParams._response_column = ‘IsDepDelayed
val dl = new DeepLearning(dlParams)
val dlModel = dl.trainModel.get
Step 11 – Score on the Deep Learning model and grab the output predictions 

val predictionH2OFrame = dlModel.score(result)('predict)
val predictionsFromModel = ( _.result.getOrElse(Double.NaN) ).collect


Additional Information

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