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COVID-19 pandemic impacts millions of lives all around the world as a major public health concern. To win the fight against  the  COVID-19  pandemic,  we'll  need  an  efficient vaccine  that  can  be  distributed  equally  and  broadly. The solution would provide transparency into COVID-19 vaccination trends around the world, created these interactive visualizations based on publicly available data. It would enable one to estimate number of days a facility, state, or region will take to vaccine N% of the population for a disease.  Examples: flu, COVID-19, hepatitis, pneumonia, etc.


This application lets the user compare population at risk, daily vaccinations, total vaccinations, people vaccinated, total vaccinations per hundred, people vaccinated per hundred across up to five facilities, state or regions.

Business Value

The solution provides means of comparison of how effective rate of vaccination in one facility, state or region is to another.

H2O's AI and Data Approaches

This solution  is powered by the H2O AI Cloud Driverless AI AutoML, and Wave. The data science approaches include regression, classification, time series, stacked ensembles, and advanced feature engineering.



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