Customize and deploy open source AI models, create your own digital assistants and business GPTs.
Open weight small vision-language models for OCR and Document AI.
To Team
Many of you have already seen this alert from me in different variations over the last few weeks. Some of you are already remote and following some of these precautions.
Starting today please make all meetings default to virtual or remote. Use Zoom, Webex, Slack, FaceTime, WhatsApp and WeChat to keep in touch with your teammates, customers, vendors and partners. Limit in-person meetings, flying, events and dinners to absolute minimum as possible – if you cannot avoid them please take judicious precautions – thoroughly wash your hands, avoid handshakes and devise ways to do business with remote.
Your families and your safety is of paramount importance for H2O. You, our people, are the most important asset of the Company.
We are a strong cohesive team and we will make up for lost time in the year ahead.
Please kindly be safe, informed not fearful, be connected in the communities you belong to locally and globally. If you need to take time to get well, we have a decent healthcare and sickness policy – keep your team, Dana (HR) and Jacqueline (Offices) informed of any change in your status or situation. The Operations team will coordinate and help me shuffle or coordinate resources and know-how to give care to our folks when they need them. We are small company but we are global and we can be very resourceful and determined to come out of this successfully.
Data science & grandmasters teams should curate good reads on #covid-19 channel. There are a few good Kaggle and Data projects in the community – please highlight and see if we can take part in them.
I care for you all personally, not just professionally and would like to see everyone healthy and fit for the long & arduous journey ahead.
We shall overcome covid together!
We are planning a fully zoom All Hands in the coming week to ten days and look forward to hearing more from all of you and progress as we turn to the last month of the first quarter.
This will be fun, Sri
Sri Ambati is the CEO and Founder of where he has launched a growing movement to democratize AI for everyone. Sri is regularly consulted by business leaders to help develop strategies to help them embark on an AI transformation. He has successfully combined his strong vision to “Make Your Company an AI Company” with impressive technical credentials to help organizations in all industries – from finance to healthcare to retail and manufacturing – maximize the impact of their data on business results, and improve day-to-day life for people around the world. Sri was recently featured in an article by IDG Connect where he discussed his vision for ubiquitous AI. He has also been featured on CNBC and the WSJ discussing his AI vision, and was named a Datanami Top People to Watch in 2019. He is a regular speaker at AI, machine learning and big data conferences such as AI4Finance, Big Data LDN and H2O World. Prior to founding, Sri co-founded big data analytics startup Platfora (acquired by Workday), and held technical and executive roles at Datastax, Azul Systems and RightOrder. His academic career includes sabbaticals focused on theoretical neuroscience at Stanford and UC Berkeley. He holds an M.S. in math and computer science from the University of Memphis.
Make data and AI deliver meaningful and significant value to your organization with our platform.