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Interview with Arno Candel | AutoML | Physics | CTDS.Show


By Sanyam Bhutani | minute read | December 12, 2019

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In this episode, Sanyam Bhutani interviews Dr. Arno Candel: CTO at 

They talk about Arno’s journey into the field with amazing comments and insights by Arno applicable to the field. 

They talk all about Arno’s journey and ML, Automated Machine Learning Broadly speaking. Arno’s journey from Physics to Software Engineering to Machine Learning Broadly speaking, his journey at H2O. 

They also discuss H2O’s products, vision and The “Maker Culture”. You can watch the interview below: 

Or if you prefer to tuning in to the audio version, you can find it here:


Interview with SRK:–sudalai-rajkumar/ 

Interview with GM KazAnova:–kazanova–rank–3—dr–marios-michailidis/ 


Arno Candel: 


Sanyam Bhutani: 

Show Notes/Timings

2:28  When did you find your passion for the field? 

9:07 Startup Life-Pulled into ML 

13:35 Do you find any parallels in terms of the world of Physics and Data Science

18:25 What does a day in your life look like? 

27:53 “Maker Culture” at H2O 

33:45 has a lot “products”: Both Open Source and Commercial. 

Could you help us understand about these? Tell us about the ones you work on? 

39:10 AutoML or Human in the loop? 

45:15 Journey as the CTO and the growth of products 

55:08 Coming to Kaggle. You’re a comp Master. Could you tell us what made you sign up for your first competition? How did you get started on Kaggle? 

57:15 Can you tell us if you’ve learned more as a team on Kaggle vs as a team at 

1:00:05 ​Can you tell us about your Kaggle experience? How has what you have learnt taking part in Kaggle competitions impacted your professional life? 

1:02:10 Software Engineering practises and Data Science Practises. Where do we draw the line? 

1:04:40  Best advice do you have for someone just starting with ML 



Sanyam Bhutani, Senior Data Scientist

Sanyam Bhutani is a Machine Learning Engineer and AI Content Creator at He is also an inc42, Economic Times recognized Machine Learning Practitioner. (link to the interviews: inc42, Economic Times) Sanyam is an active Kaggler where he is a Triple Tier Expert, ranked in Global Top 1% in all categories as well as an active AI blogger on the medium, Hackernoon (Medium Blog link) with over 1 Million+ Views overall. Sanyam is also the host of Chai Time Data Science Podcast where he interviews top practitioners, researchers, and Kagglers. You can follow him on Twitter or subscribe to his podcast.