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Winner's Insight: Navigating the Parkinson's Disease Prediction Challenge with AI
by Parul Pandey | July 03, 2023 AI4Good, Healthcare, Kaggle, Kaggle Grandmasters, Machine Learning

Parkinson’s disease, a condition affecting movement, cognition, and sleep, is escalating rapidly. By 2037, it is projected that around 1.6 million U.S. residents will be confronting this disease, resulting in significant societal and economic challenges. Studies have hinted that disruptions in proteins or peptides could be instrumental in...

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[Infographic] Healthcare providers: How to avoid AI “Pilot-Itis”
by Team | March 15, 2023 Healthcare

From increased clinician burnout and financial instability to delays in elective and preventative care, the pandemic created a perfect storm of conditions that have strained the healthcare system in lasting ways. This storm continues unabated and is unleashing new challenges and exacerbating old ones. Artificial intelligence (AI) technol...

Read more Expands Market Footprint in Healthcare AI by Signing Hackensack Meridian Health and Other Key Providers
by Prashant Natarajan | November 14, 2022 Healthcare

We’re excited to attend the HLTH conference this week in Las Vegas, NV. This industry event has quickly become the go-to event for c-level executives across all parts of the healthcare industry. It’s both incredible and inspiring to see how quickly the event has grown in its five years, and that’s why we’re excited to share some news abou...

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머신러닝 자동화 솔루션 H2O Driveless AI를 이용한 뇌에서의 성차 예측
by Team | August 29, 2022 H2O Driverless AI, Healthcare, Solutions

Predicting Gender Differences in the Brain Using Machine Learning Automation Solution H2O Driverless AI아동기 뇌인지 발달은 기억, 주의력, 사회성 등 고등 인지 기능에 영향을 미치고, 청소년기와 성인기의 뇌 발달로까지 이어집니다.Brain cognitive development in childhood affects higher cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and sociability, and leads to brain development in adolescence ...

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Gene Mutation AI
by Team | March 14, 2022 H2O AI Cloud, Healthcare

A genomics AI solution from Health Powered by NVIDIA GPUs and NVIDIA AI As precision medicine becomes more widespread, both medical diagnosis and drug discovery are increasingly relying on and leveraging the individual’s genomic and phenotypic profiles. From the multiple types and subtypes of cancer to heart disease, to obesity or ...

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Expression Biomarker AI
by Team | March 14, 2022 H2O AI Cloud, Healthcare

A drug discovery AI solution from Health Powered by NVIDIA GPUs and NVIDIA AI In a healthy individual, each cell type has its own metabolic program, carrying out specific functions. This organization is disrupted in disease, either as a cause or a result of it, or both, and this disruption is reflected in the patient’s gene exp...

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Gene Mutation AI and the Future of Cancer Research
by Team | March 14, 2022 H2O AI Cloud, Healthcare

A genomics AI solution from Health Powered by NVIDIA GPUs and NVIDIA AI Cancer is a multifactorial disease with exact causes we have only recently begun to understand. While inherited germline mutations are understood to create a genetic predisposition to the disease, stochastic accumulation of somatic mutations over a person’s...

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Vaccine NLP
by Team | March 14, 2022 H2O AI Cloud, Healthcare

A population and public health NLP solution from Health Powered by NVIDIA GPUs and NVIDIA AI Social media platforms such as Twitter and Reddit have become invaluable tools for communication between individuals or groups and are widely used globally. As messages on these platforms can instantly be accessed by all users and remain on...

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Mission Impossible: Improving Patient Care Through Automated Document Processing
by Prashant Natarajan | February 03, 2022 H2O AI Cloud, H2O Document AI, Healthcare

Don’t tell Bob Rogers’ team something can’t be done. When Rogers embarked on an ambitious project to automate the processing of the more than 1.4 million electronically faxed documents received annually by the Center for Digital Health Innovation at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF CDHI), advisors and vendors initially t...

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Three Ways Data and AI is Helping Against COVID19
by Niki Athanasiadou | April 01, 2020 AI4Good, Data Science, Healthcare, Machine Learning

We are in the midst of a global crisis that epidemiologists have warned us about. As of today, 180 countries and sovereign regions have confirmed cases of patients infected with COVID19 (from here ). Putting aside evidence that indicates the virulence of the disease could be much worse, the fast spread of the virus and the presence of hi...

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Modelling Currently Infected Cases of COVID-19 Using H2O Driverless AI
by Marios Michailidis | March 30, 2020 Healthcare

In response to the wake of the pandemic called COVID-19, organized a panel discussion to cover AI in healthcare, and some best practices to put in place in order to achieve better outcomes. The attendees had many questions that we did not have the time to cover thoroughly throughout the course of that 1-hour discussion. We hope ...

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Igniting the AI in Healthcare Community
by David Engler | March 28, 2020 AI4Good, Community, Data Science, Healthcare

Yesterday we held our first Community Discussion on AI in Healthcare. Our CEO and founder, Sri Ambati led the discussion between Niki Athanasiadou, Marios Michailidis, one of our Grandmasters , and myself. We had nearly 1,300 participants registered from over 45 countries, and over half of those joined live others are viewing the replay. ...

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COVID-19: Doing Good with Data + AI
by David Engler, Marios Michailidis | March 26, 2020 AI4Good, Data Science, Healthcare, Machine Learning, Time Series

During times of severe societal strain, individuals have historically shown an inclination to offer aid and assistance. Often these sacrifices have been at great cost to life or livelihood. In other cases, the efforts have been seemingly more mundane but nevertheless still essential. The efforts of the over 10,000 women code breakers of W...

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How is Reinventing Healthcare with AI
by Parul Pandey | March 23, 2020 AI4Good, Data Science, Healthcare is hosting a virtual Meetup on AI and Healthcare: Best Practices for Better Outcomes. Join us on 26th March, for a community discussion to collaborate with us and leading healthcare organizations to share ideas and best practices including predicting hospital staffing needs, ICU transfers, as well as sepsis detection and more. Reg...

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It is a privilege to serve the world in its hour of need – response to the COVID-19 pandemic
by Sri Ambati | March 19, 2020 AI4Good, Community, Data Science, Healthcare, Machine Learning

During the COVID-19 pandemic, our world, our nations, states, counties, cities and communities face an unprecedented challenge with an urgent need to help our citizens and ultimately our national and global economy. At highest risk are senior citizens, at-risk populations (individuals with immunodeficiency, hypertension, diabetes) and our...

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Health Outcomes and the Miracle of Data
by David Engler | March 16, 2020 AI4Good, Healthcare, Machine Learning

In 1846, a physician named Ignatz Semmelweis, located at the Allgemeine Krankenhaus in Vienna, faced a dire healthcare crisis. He observed that the maternity ward in his own hospital (as well as those in other area hospitals) had a maternal mortality rate of over 15%. That is, one out of every six mothers who came to his hospital to give ...

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ArmadaHealth Uses AI to Match Patients with Specialists to Improve Health Outcomes
by Priya Jain | July 09, 2019 Customers, Data Science, Healthcare

As an intern for, I am amazed to see how instrumental AI has been in transforming people’s lives for the better. Especially in healthcare, AI is bringing increased efficiency, ease, and helping people lead healthier lives. In this blog, I learned about how AI is helping potential patients find the right specialist for their needs a...

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Democratize care with AI — AI to do AI for Healthcare
by Team | April 23, 2018 Customers, Healthcare, Machine Learning

Very excited to have Prashant Natarajan (@natarpr) join us along with Sanjay Joshi on our vision to change the world of healthcare with AI. Health is wealth. And one worth saving the most. They bring invaluable domain knowledge and context to our cause. As one of our customers would like to say, Healthcare should be optimized for health...

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