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Connecting to Spark & Sparkling Water from R & Rstudio


By Team | minute read | March 24, 2016

Category: Uncategorized
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Sparkling Water offers the best of breed machine learning for Spark users. Sparkling Water brings all of H2O’s advanced algorithms and capabilities to Spark. This means that you can continue to use H2O from Rstudio or any other ide of your choice. This post will walk you through the steps to get running on plain R or R studio from Spark.
It works just the same the same way as regular H2O. You just need to call h2o.init() from R with the right parameters i.e. IP, PORT
For example: we start sparkling shell (bin/sparkling-shell) here and create an H2OContext:
Spark commands 
Now H2OContext is running and H2O’s REST API is exposed on 172.162.223:54321
So we can open RStudio and call h2o.init() (make sure you have the right R H2O package installed):
Let’s now create a Spark DataFrame, then publish it as H2O frame and access it from R:
This is how you achieve that in sparkling-shell:
val df = sc.parallelize(1 to 100).toDF // creates Spark DataFrame
val hf = h2oContext.asH2OFrame(df) // publishes DataFrame as H2O's Frame

Scala val df code 
You can see that the name of the published frame is frame_rdd_6. Now let us go to RStudio and list all the available frames via function:
Alternatively you could also name the frame during the transformation from Spark to H2O as shown below:
h2oContext.asH2OFrame(df) -> val hf = h2oContext.asH2OFrame(df, "simple.frame")
We can fetch the frame as well or invoke a R function on it:
Keep hacking!

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