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Product Recommendations


  • Understand the relationship between various products in a catalog and generating recommendations using historic transactional data

  • Recommend similar products relevant to products of choice, in basket, sold together for up/cross sell, or as substitution to manage inventory


  • Achieved predictive accuracy of recommendation models

Business Value

  • Increase customer acquisition and revenue

  • Improve OPEX with inventory management

H2O's AI and Data Approaches

H2O AI App: Market Basket Analysis

Product Recommendations Product Recommendations

To interact with the Market Basket Analysis App, you must log in with your H2O Cloud Account. If you do not have an account, you can request a demo to learn more here. This app demonstrates the use of machine learning as part of an overall plan to minimize employee attrition. Users can view predictions of employee departure, forecast churn rates, and identify relevant factors contained in employee data.


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