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Pivotal hosts 0xdata - Distributed Random Forest, GBM, GLM & API for Big Data Algos


By Team | 1 minute read | November 04, 2013

Category: Uncategorized
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  • Distributed Machine Learning has come of age, just in time to meet the challenges of Big Data. We will present an API for extending and rolling your own Algorithms or use powerful contest-winning Gradient Boosting Machine, Generalized Linear Modeling and Random Forest at scale. Demo and Fireworks using big datasets from within familiar R interface on commodity hardware.Sponsor:Pivotal – Providing Space, Beer and FoodSpeakers:
    SriSatish Ambati, CEO & Co-founder, 0xdata
    Cliff Click, CTO & Co-founder, 0xdataSrisatish Ambati
    Sri is co-founder and ceo of 0xdata (@h2oai), the builders of H2O. H2O democratizes big data science. Sri is known for his knack for envisioning killer apps in fast evolving spaces and assembling stellar teams towards productizing that vision. A regular speaker in the BigData, NoSQL and Java circuit, Sri leaves his trail @srisatish.
    Cliff Click  
    Cliff Click is the CTO and Co-Founder of 0xdata, and wrote his first compiler when he was 15 (Pascal to TRS Z-80!), although Cliff’s most famous compiler is the HotSpot Server Compiler (the Sea of Nodes IR). Cliff is invited to speak regularly at industry and academic conferences and has published many papers about HotSpot technology. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from Rice University and about 15 patents.Learn more and sign up here!

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At, democratizing AI isn’t just an idea. It’s a movement. And that means that it requires action. We started out as a group of like minded individuals in the open source community, collectively driven by the idea that there should be freedom around the creation and use of AI.

Today we have evolved into a global company built by people from a variety of different backgrounds and skill sets, all driven to be part of something greater than ourselves. Our partnerships now extend beyond the open-source community to include business customers, academia, and non-profit organizations.