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GPTe Unleashed: Mastering Generative AI with, Applied AI, and Volkswagen

DECEMBER 12, 2023 | 6:30-8:30 PM CET

Embark on a transformative journey into the realm of Generative AI at our Meetup event! Join leading tech innovators, Applied AI, and Volkswagen as they converge to unveil the unprecedented capabilities of GPTe. Explore the cutting-edge advancements, from a model-agnostic evaluation framework to deployment flexibility. Don't miss your chance to delve into the future of AI. Register now for an immersive experience!


  • 6.30 pm - 7 pm: Welcome reception and opening keynote - Bernhard Pflugfelder, Head of Innovation Lab (GenAI), Applied AI Innitiative

  • 7 pm - 7.45 pm: Dr Christoph Ringlstetter, Head of AI Innovation & Predevelopment, Volkswagen Group

  • 7.45 pm - 8.30 pm: Asghar Ghorbani, Lead Solutions Engineer,

    • During this presentation, we will be focusing on the following key areas:

      • Model-Agnostic Evaluation Framework: Understand some of the technical aspects of our privately hosted LLM framework for safety and transparency.

      • Exploring RAG Technology: Dive into the details of Retrieval Augmented Generation on our platform, harnessing VectorDB, Embeddings, and LLM to elevate advanced data comprehension and generation capabilities.

      • Deployment Flexibility: Get some technical insights into achieving total control through on-cloud or on-premises deployment options.

      • No-Code AI Development: Discover the potential of the H2O LLM Studio Suite for crafting user-friendly AI solutions.

Event Location
Data:Lab Munich
Ungererstraße 69,
80805 München, Germany