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The objective of the solution is to identify which physician has the potential to write a prescription for your product this week (or even today), which physician has the highest potential number of patients who need your product and even which physician is a priority to see this week.


The product launch physician targeting solution uncovers and highlights HCPs with the highest propensity to be influential brand ambassadors. It can help define, discover and score a brand’s most influential HCPs by applying machine learning and AI against the social footprint and digital body language of millions of HCPs.

Business Value

The solution helps to identify the most influential HCPs in a therapeutic area based on their social activity,  online activity, referral activity along with patient activity. It reveals the top prescribing HCPs and targets applicable NPIs in their practice.

H2O's AI and Data Approaches

This solution  is powered by the H2O AI Driverless AI AutoML, and Wave. The data science approaches include genetic algorithm, advanced feature engineering, NLP, and classification algorithms.



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