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Getting started with H2O using Flow
by Parul Pandey | July 16, 2019 Flow , H2O-3 , Technical

This blog was originally published on towardsdatascience: look into H2O’s open-source UI for combining code execution, text, plots, and rich media in a single document. Data collection is easy. Decision making is hard. Today, we have access to a humungous...

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Creating a Binary Classifier to Sort Trump vs. Clinton Tweets Using NLP
by Team | October 17, 2016 Community , Data Journalism , Flow , Python

The problem : Can we determine if a tweet came from the Donald Trump Twitter account (@realDonaldTrump) or the Hillary Clinton Twitter account (@HillaryClinton) using text analysis and Natural Language Processing (NLP) alone? The Solution : Yes! We’ll divide this tutorial into three parts, the first on how to gather the necessary data, t...

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