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What are Deep Learning Use Cases?

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that entails training artificial neural networks on massive datasets. Natural language processing, picture and audio recognition, as well as playing games like Chess and Go, have all been effective uses.

By identifying patterns in the data they are given, deep learning algorithms are able to learn and decide for themselves. Because they can comprehend complicated patterns, they are highly suited to jobs like picture and speech recognition that are challenging for conventional algorithms to complete.


Why are Deep Learning Use Cases important?

Deep learning use cases are crucial because they have the ability to greatly increase the accuracy and efficacy of a wide range of applications. Deep learning algorithms are ideally suited to jobs that are challenging for conventional algorithms to complete because they can learn and make judgments independently by evaluating patterns in the data they are given. Use cases for deep learning are crucial since they support a range of applications. Five factors are listed below:


Image Classification

Deep learning algorithms can be trained on a sizable labeled image database, such as one that has pictures of several species of animals. The algorithm can then be applied to categorize fresh photographs according to their content. The algorithm can, for instance, predict that a cat is present in a fresh photograph of a cat. Numerous possible applications for this kind of software exist, including the automatic labeling of images on social media and the identification of objects in self-driving vehicle sensors.

Speech recognition

Deep learning offers a wide range of practical applications, including the transcription of spoken utterances into written text. For instance, spoken words can be translated into written texts or translated while they are being delivered using speech recognition software. It can be used to recognize voice commands provided by users to operate smart home equipment.

Natural Language Processing

Deep learning has the ability to absorb and comprehend human language, which has a variety of uses in fields like text summarization and language translation. For instance, a deep learning system can be trained on a sizable corpus of translated text before being applied to the translation of fresh material. A deep learning system might similarly be used to automatically summarize a lengthy article by highlighting its key points.

Image Recognition

Deep learning is beneficial for computer vision applications, as discussed previously. Google, Facebook, IBM, and others have successfully used deep learning to train computers to recognize human faces and identify the contents of images.


After a deep learning system has been trained to understand one language, the next logical step is to teach it to understand multiple languages and translate between them. Several vendors offer APIs with deep learning-based translation capabilities.

Recommendation Engines

Users have grown accustomed to websites like Amazon and services like Netflix offering recommendations based on their past usage. A lot of these recommendation engines are powered by deep learning. This allows them to improve over time and find hidden correlations in preferences that humans might miss.


Big data analytics has become an integral part of doing business for most enterprises. Machine learning, and specifically deep learning, promises to make predictive and prescriptive analytics even better than they already are.


Upcoming events are one of the most common applications of analytics. Enterprises use deep learning to predict customer demand, supply chain problems, future earnings, etc. and Deep Learning Use Cases

H2O supports the most widely used statistical & machine learning algorithms including gradient-boosted machines, generalized linear models, deep learning, and more.

Read “Deep Learning for Business Leaders” to better understand the rapidly growing discipline that models high-level patterns in data as complex multilayered networks.


Deep Learning Use Cases vs. Other Technologies & Methodologies

Deep learning vs. Artificial intelligence

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning where multilayered neural networks learn from massive data. Artificial intelligence is a program that can sense, reason, act, and adapt to said data.

Deep learning vs. Neural networks

An essential distinction between neural networks and deep learning neural networks is the depth of the hidden layers. The neural network is a model inspired by the human brain consisting of many interconnected neurons.

Deep learning vs. reinforcement learning

Deep learning requires an already existing data set, while reinforcement learning does not.

Deep learning vs. supervised learning

Supervisory machine learning, also known as supervised learning, is a subcategory of machine learning where an algorithm is trained by using labeled data to classify data or predict outcomes based on a labeled dataset. In deep learning, neurons in layers of the neocortex are modeled. It is called deep because it has more than one hidden layer of neurons, enabling multiple nonlinear feature transformation states.